Salsa vs Bachata Secrets You Should Know About
The difference between salsa vs bachata lies mainly in the tempo and rhythm. One (bachata) has a more straightforward rhythm which can be helpful when you try to learn salsa.
The difference between salsa vs bachata lies mainly in the tempo and rhythm. One (bachata) has a more straightforward rhythm which can be helpful when you try to learn salsa.
The many styles of salsa dance can be confusing to newcomers. In this post, we will dispel some of the misconceptions, clarify what salsa style might be the best for you, and give you a checklist of key points to consider to be a great salsa dancer.
Good salsa timing is THE most critical aspect of salsa dancing. It implies that you have developed a strong hearing ability for the music and can match this skill with the corresponding dancing steps.
Are you looking for a proven way to learn salsa for beginners? With this fantastic tutorial, you will discover the secrets to being a great dancer.
The selection of good Salsa dance shoes is one of the most important aspects of your salsa dance journey. But what shoes should you choose and why? The following post provides a guide to the best salsa dance shoes to help you enjoy your salsa dancing.
3 2 clave refers to the number of times you will hear the clave on a count of 8 beats. This is the tempo used in many salsa songs. Therefore, it pays to know how to recognize the patterns of the clave in a song.
Recognizing the clave in salsa is one of the most challenging tasks for dancers. Yet very few videos or posts explain how to find it.
When you start dancing salsa, the most pressing request dancers have is, “What are the salsa steps?”.
Did you know that 90 to 95% of salsa dance does not involve a single salsa step? Your read right. And if you struggle after many years of practice, chances are, you focused a lot on steps rather than the 95% that mattered the most.
Casino Rueda, otherwise wrongly called Cuban salsa, predates salsa. It’s a fascinating social dance that originated in Cuba, where groups of couples gathered together to dance. It came to light in the early 20th century and involved people dancing in a circular motion.